Article ID: 1113
Last updated: 31 Jan, 2013
In order to upgrade from NAS-R3, iSCSI-R3 or DSS to DSS V5, you will need a new product key. Unfortunately it's not possible to apply the new product key via the webpage. That's why a prod.key file need to be prepared.
When you receive your new Product Key, it usually looks like that:
In order to create a prod.key file please create a new .txt file and paste your Product Key to it. Now you need to remove all the dashes in the Product Key. So it will look like that:
Please also make sure that there is no space in front of the Product Key and no space left after it.
The .txt file should contain only one line.
Save this file as prod.key
You can download the install files for DSS_ver_5.0_up63_build_4562.ATLANTA (.zip or .iso) from our FTP. To be sure that the DSS V6 image is downloaded without errors, you can test it with the .MD5 sum, that can be found in the same directory as the zip/iso file.
Please also take a look at the readme_4562.txt.
This software must be installed on a USB-stick first (also there is the same software available as ISO version and can be placed on CD, boot from CD and Install to USB thumb drive.).
In order to install this version please proceed with the following steps:
1. Download and uncompress the file atlanta_4562
2. Format a USB-stick partitioned as a FAT or FAT32 for the root directory (at least 512MB media size but 1GB is recommended).
3. Copy the uncompressed directories and files onto USB-stick
Directories: b4562 and boot
Files: and prod.key
4. Replace the original prod.key file with the new prod.key file that you've created at the beginning
5. After copying the directories and files please verify that in the root directory resides the following directories: b4562, boot and files and prod.key.
6. Access the directory called “boot” then run the bootinst.exe (for Windows only) or (for Linux only).
7. Boot your storage server with the USB-stick. (please set the BIOS to boot from the USB-stick, or in boot menu select USB-stick to boot)
8. In the first menu there is choice to start current version or run memory test. Please press enter to run current version.
9. In the second menu there are 3 menu options:
32bit system (2.6.27)
64bit system (2.6.27)
Run software update installer(**choose this if installing from CD)
In order to run TRIAL of new software v5.0 up63 build 4562, please select 32bit or 64bit accordingly to your current system architecture.
The DSS will recognize your current volume groups and volumes, but will start with factory defaults settings. In order to restore your current settings, please go to menu in: MAINTENANCE->miscellaneous and select the SETUP and CONFIGURATION check-boxes then click on green action button.
This will prompt for system re-boot.
Proceed to the web GUI, and Help -> about, to activate your system.
Please take a look at the following Knowledge Base article for more details about activation:
Please take a look at the following videos:
Why and how you should upgrade to DSS V6
How to activate your DSS V6
Open-E DSS V6 - How to install, configure and Features Overview
DSS V6: Installation, Konfiguration und Überblick über die Funktionen
DSS V6 - installing as a Virtual Machine
All about the Open-E Support plans
Many more videos, and how-to's can be found here:
The Knowledge base is managed by Open-E data storage software company.