Article ID: 1483
Last updated: 16 Nov, 2011
Volume replication and memory requirements Latest versions of DSS V6 will support up to 16TB volumes in replication and as such, this amount of storage will require more memory since the system now checks how much memory is left for system usage. The volume replication memory requirements are as follows: 1TB = 32MB RAM 4 TB = 128MB RAM 4 x 4TB volumes or one 16 TB = 512MB RAM 2x 16TB volume or 8 x 4TB volume = 1GB RAM The system also requires 400MB free, and as such: 1TB = 432MB RAM free 4 TB = 528MB RAM free 4 x 4TB volumes or one 16 TB = 912MB RAM free 2x 16TB volume or 8 x 4TB volume = 1424MB RAM free If these requirements are not met, the volume will be not accessible and a warning will be get noted via system notification that there is not enough memory to run.