Article ID: 117
Last updated: 04 May, 2011
SOLVED: This issue no longer exists if using the latest version of DSSV6.
CORRECTED in version: V6(build5087)
The following message appears
"system warning : Low space! (<2 MB). Please contact Technical Support"
The issue is related to the DOM becoming full
There are a few things to try to resolve the issue:
Go to status -> hardware -> logs and click on the remove bottom to remove any old logs Check: MAINTENANCE -> software update -> function: System software update
and delete any old updates by clicking on the X
In worst case then reflashing the DOM by CD is recommended
Download the latest release for the software that you have and burn it to a CD with the "write ISO image" option. Here is the link updates/
Boot from the CD and choose option 1
'Update with configuration changes saved"
Remove the CD and restart your server
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