[DSS V7] How can I properly expand a NAS or iSCSI volume in a clustered environment?
Question: NAS share has become too small, currently it has 15TB, needs to be expanded to 25TB. Customer has 59TB of available / unused space. Is it possible to increase a volume during operation? Or does a new volume have to be created and share assigned to it? Answer: There is no need...
30 Nov, 2016
Views: 927
System reports 'disk full' when there is in fact free space.
By default, with 32bit inodes, XFS places inodes only in the first 1TB of a disk. If you have a disk with 100TB, all inodes will be stuck in the first TB. This can lead to strange things like "disk full" when you still have plenty space free, but there's no more place in the first TB to create a...
14 May, 2013
Views: 1862
Can't access my shares when NFS Failover is on.
Can't access my shares when NFS Failover is on. There are 3 things that you need to be aware of when using NFS Failover. First of all NFS Failover works only with NFS protocol and not with Samba. If you start the NFS Failover, the Samba access to all of your shares will be disabled. You...
15 Mar, 2013
Views: 6389
I cannot see the NFS Storage Repository after enabling volume replication for the NAS logical volume in the Citrix XEN.
Symptom: The Citrix XEN cannot see the NFS Storage Repository after enabling volume replication for the NAS logical volume. Problem: This seems to be a related to the Citrix XEN. Solution: Before enabling volume replication for the NAS logical, please do the following steps: 1) Detach...
02 Feb, 2011
Views: 2986
NFS mount from Solaris 10 produces a "File or directory not found" error
Symptom: When mounting an NFS share from Solaris, following error is displayed: File or directory not found. Solution: Please make sure (using the showmount -e command) that the share is available for mounting. If it is, please use the following options in your...
08 Jun, 2009
Views: 3738
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