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+apple macintosh
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+apple -macintosh
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+apple ~macintosh
Find rows that contain the word 'apple', but if the row also contains the word 'macintosh', rate it lower than if row does not. This is "softer" than a search for '+apple -macintosh', for which the presence of 'macintosh' causes the row not to be returned at all.

+apple +(>turnover <strudel)
Find rows that contain the words 'apple' and 'turnover', or 'apple' and 'strudel' (in any order), but rank 'apple turnover' higher than 'apple strudel'.

Find rows that contain words such as 'apple', 'apples', 'applesauce', or 'applet'.

"some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, rows that contain 'some words of wisdom' but not "some noise words").

Search results - Articles
Found 5 result(s)
item [DSS V7][JovianDSS] I have a low NFS performance in VMware environment.
... "I have a low NFS performance in VMware environment." Customer reports ... that NFS performance results for NFS 16K writes ... in "Comparison of Storage Protocol Performance" documentation from VMware, Read performance ...
rating 24 May, 2021 Views: 13359
item [DSS V7] Information on Configuring for Optimal RAID Performance
... on Configuring for Optimal RAID Performance Contents: Write Policy The Write ... very big impact on write performance. There are two modes available: ... Mode This mode provides better performance in most cases. In Write‐Back ...
rating 24 May, 2021 Views: 56597
item [JDSS][DSS V7] Does Open-E support Jumbo Frames?
... Use Jumbo Frames to improve performance by sending fewer frames across ...
rating 09 Apr, 2020 Views: 9020
item [JDSS] Write log usage and redundancy
... a great impact on the performance of any environment, by increasing ... NVMe disks, to obtain maximum performance impact for the environment. Redundancy ...
rating 08 Apr, 2020 Views: 0
item [DSS V7]File system repair
Additional information: product name: DSS V7 product version: all build: all Problem: File system errors. Symptoms: File system errors can be caused by power outages and disconnects that prevent the file system from completely writing the data to the RAID array. It can also be caused...
rating 02 Apr, 2020 Views: 13287
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