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[JDSS] Changes for ZFS parameters in NYMNETWORKS MIB after updating to up30r2

Article ID: 3541
Last updated: 25 Jun, 2024

Changes in  NYMNETWORKS-MIB after updating to up30r2.55016

Two sensors in PRTG available in the previous versions (up to up29r4) are now no longer available after updating to up30 or higher:

- zfsFilesystemUsed
- zfsFilesystemAvailable

Open-E JovianDSS offers additional SNMP values to monitor the zpool and ZFS attributes.
It is necessary to query specific OIDs in order to receive those attributes.

For basic ZFS parameters, NYMNETWORKS-MIB mib is included:

Up to version v.1.0 up29r4  NYMNETWORKS-MIB.txt

From version v.1.0 up30 on NYMNETWORKS-MIB.txt

SNMP OIDs for the version up30 and higher have been changed. Below there is an example for specified OIDS using test pool on up29r2 and up30r2 versions:

Between up29r2 and up30 OIDs for zfs have been rearranged and slightly modified.
zfsFilesystemName iso. = STRING: "Pool-up29r2"

In up29r2 zfsFilesystemUsed and zfsFilesystemAvailable are presented using two units KB and MB in separate OIDS
For KB:
zfsFilesystemUsedKB: iso. = Counter64: 8424616
zfsFilesystemAvailableKB: iso. = Counter64: 51000152

For MB:
zfsFilesystemAvailableMB: iso. = Counter64: 49804
zfsFilesystemUsedMB: iso. = Counter64: 8227

zfsFilesystemCounter: iso. = INTEGER: 1
zfsFilesystemName: iso. = STRING: "Pool-up30r2"

In up30 or higher OIDS for zfsFilesystemAvailable and zfsFilesystemUsed are presented only in one unit "zfsSizeAllocationUnit". This value is used as a unit that is presented in particular file system size values. In order to get the number of bytes it is required to multiply given value by allocation unit.
zfsSizeAllocationUnit: iso. = Counter64: 4096
zfsFilesystemAvailable: iso. = Counter64: 15268807
zfsFilesystemUsed: iso. = Counter64: 66617

Guides for SNMP provide two MIB files: one for version up29r2 and older and one for version up30 and newer. Those MIB files contain updated descriptions of OIDS.

Please refer to the link below for more information about SNMP:

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Article ID: 3541
Last updated: 25 Jun, 2024
Revision: 1
Views: 0
Posted: 25 Jun, 2024 by Bocian F.
Updated: 25 Jun, 2024 by Bocian F.
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