Article ID: 2293
Last updated: 29 Mar, 2013
In order to assign traffic from a FC initiator over your wanted FC port on the target side,
1. In menu: CONFIGURATION-> FC target manager -> WWN Aliases, create an alias for
every FC Initiator WWN. If the FC Initiator show 2 WWN number starting with
20:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx and 10:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, please select the one starting with 10.
2. In menu CONFIGURATION-> FC target manager -> Groups, please create a group.
For every group you can assign LUNs clicking on the “+” button and you can assign the
alias of the initiator which will be allowed to access selected LUNs in this group. In order
to do it, please move the alias from the left panel to the right and click on apply button.
3. Please create a group for every FC target port present in the system.
If you want to reassign the FC access from one group to the other one, please click on
the “-” button of the selected LUN and move the alias from the right panel to the left and
click on the apply button.
Then accordingly to the selected group, please click on the “+” button and move the
alias from the left side to the right and click on the apply button.
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