Losing iSCSI connection during failover
Symptom: I am testing iSCSI failover with Virtualiron. Virtualiron needs to assign iSCSI initiator port on the network node. Also, it needs iSCSI target's IP address. First, I entered DSS's virtual IP address in the target's address. At this configuration, whenever changeover happens,...
18 Feb, 2009
Views: 5393
Windows dynamic disk is inactive after restart when used on iSCSI LUN.
Symptom: On the iSCSI LUN, a user has configured a Windows dynamic disk. It is not active after the system restarts. The disk needs to be manually activated in disk manager. Problem: The dynamic disk is officially not supported by Microsoft iSCSI initiator because...
26 Jan, 2009
Views: 8798
Cannot see new files (iSCSI LUN)
Symptom: Problem: I have multiple users connected to a LUN. When I change a file in the LUN, other users cannot see the changes. Solution: This is normal since ISCSI targets are block-based and not file-based. Changes made by one person are not seen...
18 Sep, 2008
Views: 6619
iSCSI volumes receive the same ID numbers (causes problems with Virtual Iron)
Symptom: I am using Virtual Iron to connect to 2 DSS servers. I am getting the same Unique ID number for LUNs in different DSS servers and Virtual Iron is confused. Solution: Apply update 0257-dss_b.upd to DSS and then use the testing kernel. You can get the update file right here on...
02 Sep, 2008
Views: 4696
File shares on iSCSI devices are not re-created when you restart the computer (Microsoft Initiator)
Solution: Please refer to the following article from the Microsoft Knowledge Base: http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B870964&x=10&y=17
11 Aug, 2008
Views: 3270
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