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Description of Connections Status in relation to Replications


Discription of Connections in relation to Replications:
Failed. Transient state following an I/O failure report by the local block device. Next state: Diskless.
Inconsistent. The data is inconsistent. This status occurs immediately upon creation of a new resource, on both nodes (before the initial full sync). Also, this status is found in one node (the synchronization target) during synchronization.
Outdated. Resource data is consistent, but outdated.
DUnknown. This state is used for the peer disk if no network connection is available.
Consistent. Consistent data of a node without connection. When the connection is established, it is decided whether the data are UpToDate or Outdated.
UpToDate. Consistent, up-to-date state of the data. This is the normal state.
A resource may have one of the following connection states:
StandAlone. No network configuration available. The resource has not yet been connected, or has been administratively disconnected (using drbdadm disconnect), or has dropped its connection due to failed authentication or split brain.
Disconnecting.  Temporary state during disconnection. The next state is StandAlone.
Unconnected.  Temporary state, prior to a connection attempt. Possible next states: WFConnection and WFReportParams.
Timeout. Temporary state following a timeout in the communication with the peer. Next state: Unconnected.
BrokenPipe. Temporary state after the connection to the peer was lost. Next state: Unconnected.
NetworkFailure. Temporary state after the connection to the partner was lost. Next state: Unconnected.
ProtocolError. Temporary state after the connection to the partner was lost. Next state: Unconnected.
TearDown. Temporary state. The peer is closing the connection. Next state: Unconnected.
WFConnection. This node is waiting until the peer node becomes visible on the network.
WFReportParams. TCP connection has been established, this node waits for the first network packet from the peer.
Connected. A DRBD connection has been established, data mirroring is now active. This is the normal state.
StartingSyncS. Full synchronization, initiated by the administrator, is just starting. The next possible states are: SyncSource or PausedSyncS.
StartingSyncT. Full synchronization, initiated by the administrator, is just starting. Next state: WFSyncUUID.
WFBitMapS. Partial synchronization is just starting. Next possible states: SyncSource or PausedSyncS.
WFBitMapT. Partial synchronization is just starting. Next possible state: WFSyncUUID.
WFSyncUUID. Synchronization is about to begin. Next possible states: SyncTarget or PausedSyncT.
SyncSource. Synchronization is currently running, with the local node being the source of synchronization.
SyncTarget. Synchronization is currently running, with the local node being the target of synchronization.
PausedSyncS. The local node is the source of an ongoing synchronization, but synchronization is currently paused. This may be due to a dependency on the completion of another synchronization process, or due to synchronization having been manually interrupted by drbdadm pause-sync.
PausedSyncT. The local node is the target of an ongoing synchronization, but synchronization is currently paused. This may be due to a dependency on the completion of another synchronization process, or due to synchronization having been manually interrupted by drbdadm pause-sync.
VerifyS. On-line device verification is currently running, with the local node being the source of verification.
VerifyT. On-line device verification is currently running, with the local node being the target of verification.

The Knowledge base is managed by Open-E data storage software company.