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[JDSS] JovianDSS capabilities - maximum users / groups, opened file handles, filename length

Additional information:

  • product name: JovianDSS
  • product version: all
  • build: all


JovianDSS capabilities - maximum users / groups, opened file handles, filename length


  • Maximum users / groups count

JovianDSS supports up to 1000000 users and 1000000 groups from one domain, but it is required to have a very strong server machine that can handle it.

We've tested in our lab 100000 objects from all trusted domains ( users + groups ) and it worked without problems.

  • Maximum opened file handle count

Maximum number of open file handles is limited to 400896.

  • Maximum length of a file name

Maximum length of file name is limited to 240 characters ( filename + extension ).

The Knowledge base is managed by Open-E data storage software company.