Can I connect to Open-E iSCSI targets behind NAT?

To explain why iSCSI targets behind NAT can not be accessed
by a initiator we have to explain how iSCSI connection works.
It is a two-step connection. One step is discovering portal and
second is actual log in. Even though iSCSI targets IPs can be
translated via NAT and discovered, they send back theirs inner
IPs to initiators using SendTargets function. Initiators will not
be able to connect to targets via those. In the future
such a functionality might be implemented using Internet Storage
Name Service but we do not have any plans to do so yet.

The only possible workaround is to create a VPN tunnel between Initiator and NAT. In this way the Open-E iSCSI targets can be seen as they would be in LAN. 

Article ID: 1333
Last updated: 25 Jul, 2011
Revision: 1
Information -> General info -> iSCSI -> Can I connect to Open-E iSCSI targets behind NAT?